The Victorian Government has called on Victorian Councils to do their bit during this difficult time and not dismiss or stand down staff.
The Minister for Local Government Adem Somyurek and Minister for Jobs Martin Pakula wrote to Victorian councils advising they must continue to provide critical community functions.
Councils have also been invited to partner with the Labor Government’s $500 million Working for Victoria Fund to help people who have lost their jobs and ensure local services continue to be delivered.
Every level of government in Australia is taking action to protect their communities and Victorian local governments need to do the same.
A wide range of Councils across the state have taken measures over the past week to protect their staff and redouble efforts to support vulnerable community members.
One of the important things Councils can do in responding to coronavirus is not add to the number of Victorians who have lost their job.
Many Councils are doing the right thing by providing assurance employees will be maintained and that essential services will be delivered to community members in need.
The Government is working with Councils, with a specific focus on small rural councils, to consider the implications of coronavirus on their operations including the welfare of staff, compliance with the Act, elections and their meetings.
Source: Vic Government