Construction has finished on Cherry Flat Road Duplication - Stage 2

Construction has finished on Cherry Flat Road Duplication - Stage 2

Stage 2 of duplication works on Cherry Flat Road is now complete. The duel carriageway is set to improve traffic safety and pedestrian connections in the Delacombe Town Centre sub-precinct of Ballarat West.

The $1.5 million project was funded by the Ballarat West Development Contributions Plan, which funds major infrastructure projects such as drainage, roads, intersections, and recreational open spaces throughout Ballarat West.

The project is in line with VicRoads Keeping Ballarat Moving commitment.

Stage 2 works included 300m of new road pavement, kerb and channel, new footpaths, minor drainage works, nature strip and tree planting.

The project has been delivered by Ballarat-based construction firm Fulton Hogan.

City of Ballarat Mayor Ben Taylor said it’s important that we carefully plan for the growth in Ballarat’s West to improve the area’s liveability and connectivity.

“Cherry Flat Road is a great example of how the City of Ballarat can work with both the Victorian Government and developers to deliver a project that will be an important asset to current and future residents in the Ballarat West Growth Area.”

“This is fantastic milestone for the area as it capitalises on the Delacombe Town Centre and the planned residential expansion to the immediate south of the Centre.”

“It has added enormous value to Ballarat West’s infrastructure and will deliver significant benefits for many generations to come.”

Source: City of Ballarat