VFF welcomes fruit fly funding

The Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) welcomes the Victorian Government’s announcement of $6.4 million in funding to help protect our horticulture industry against the risks posed by the Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF).

The QFF poses a significant risk to horticulture crops throughout the state and is a major barrier that can prohibit the export of local fruit interstate and to key international markets such as China.

VFF Horticulture President Nathan Free said the funding will help protect Victoria’s significant horticulture industry.

“Victoria is Australia’s major exporter of horticultural products.”

“This funding is welcome and will help protect against the potentially devastating impacts of the Queensland Fruit Fly,” Mr Free said.

Mr Free noted that while a large range of horticulture crops are affected, these pests are often found on residential properties and wild plants.

“These kind of collaborative community, industry and government projects are key to protecting regional Victoria’s productivity and our reputation for high-quality produce.”

“If we don’t properly fund our biosecurity, we risk our market access across the world and forever disadvantage our horticulture industry,” Mr Free said.

The VFF is pleased the funding will be used to deliver Regional Fruit Fly Co-ordinators which are held in high regard by growers.

Source: VFF