Interim Administrator urges residents to attend Hume Coal and Berrima Rail Project Public Hearing

Wingecarribee Shire Council’s Interim Administrator Viv May is urging interested community members from across the Highlands to have their say about the Hume Coal Project and Berrima Rail Upgrade Project.

Mr May said that as the project was deemed a state significant application it was to be referred to the Independent Planning Commission of NSW (IPC) for determination.

“This is one of the most significant and at times controversial development proposals to come before our Shire in recent years,” Mr May said.

“It’s therefore imperative that residents stay informed and have their say on the proposed development.”

The Minister for Planning and Public Spaces has subsequently requested that the Independent Planning Commission conduct a public hearing into the project prior to its determination.

Interested persons or groups can take part in the public hearing by attending in person, via remote video conference, telephone or written submission.

The electronic Public Hearing is scheduled to be held on both Monday 12 July and Tuesday 13 July from 10am. Residents wishing to speak at the hearing must register via the IPC website at no later than 12pm Friday 2 July 2021.

The Electronic Public Hearing will also be broadcast on the Commission’s website at

The IPC will also accept written submissions on the Hume Coal and Berrima Rail Projects up to one week after the hearing via email, post or their online portal at Written submissions close at 5pm on Friday 23 July 2021.

For more information about the determination process residents can phone the Commission direct on (02) 9383 2100.

The Public Hearing is the final stage before the Independent Planning Commission delivers its determination of the proposed development.

“I encourage anyone wishing to speak at the public hearing to register their name as soon as possible to ensure their voice is heard,” Mr May added.

Details of the Hume Coal Project and Berrima Rail Project (SSD 7172 & SSD 7171) final assessment report can be found at

Other relevant documents relating to the project can also be found online at the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s website at

Source: Wingecarribee Shire Council