The Victorian Government is inviting all Victorians to have a say on how to make key sectors of the economy and environment more resilient to the impacts of climate change as the state moves to reach its ambitious climate change targets.
Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio announced consultation is under way on seven draft Climate Change Adaptation Actions Plans.
The plans focus on seven sectors regarded as vulnerable to climate change or having an important role in adapting to further change:
- Primary Production – agriculture, productive fisheries and plantation forestry
- Built Environment – cities, buildings, urban spaces, and infrastructure
- Education and Training – education, training and workplace skills
- Health and Human Services – disease prevention, physical and mental health care
- Transport – passenger and freight movement, transport networks and vehicles
- Natural Environment – land, water bodies, coastal waters, biodiversity and ecological processes
- Water Cycle – water supply, wastewater, drainage and flood management.
The Government is seeking input from the community to shape the plans which will set a solid foundation for a climate-resilient Victoria.
The plans respond to priorities in Victoria’s Climate Change Strategy, address current impacts and the systematic changes needed to prepare key sectors for the future climate.
Each plan is different because each sector has its own unique climate change risks and opportunities. They also address common challenges, such as sea-level rise, emergency management and energy resilience.
The plans are due to be completed by the end of 2021 and will guide adaptation efforts over the next five years, laying the foundations for dealing with climate change.
You can have your say at
Source: Vic Government