Disaster assistance has been made available for the Jilkminggan community affected by flooding on 25 February 2021.
Assistance is being provided through the jointly funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).
Minister for Emergency Management David Littleproud said the Australian and Northern Territory governments are working together to ensure the Jilkminggan community receives support as quickly as possible.
“Through the DRFA, we can offer those most affected some peace of mind by providing financial support at this difficult time,” Minister Littleproud said.
“A range of assistance is now available, including personal hardship and distress payments, to help individuals and families, and assist the community recover.”
Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner said the entire Jilkminggan community was evacuated to Mataranka as a precaution due to rapidly rising waters and will not be able to return until the waters recede.
“Mass evacuations are complex exercises and as always, our first responders did a remarkable job of protecting communities and I commend them for their efforts,” Chief Minister Gunner said.
“I’m pleased that assistance is now available to support the community to help with their immediate needs.”
Information regarding assistance available can be found on the Northern Territory Government’s emergency information and response website at securent.nt.gov.au and on the Australian Government’s Disaster Assist website at disasterassist.gov.au.
Source: NT Government