Biosecurity focus at 2021 Wagin Woolorama

Biosecurity focus at 2021 Wagin Woolorama

Biosecurity will be a major focus at this year’s (2021) Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) display at Wagin Woolorama on 5-6 March (2021).

DPIRD veterinarians and biosecurity officers will be on hand to help livestock owners with questions about livestock health, preventing common and exotic diseases, safe animal feed and stock identification and traceability.

Department veterinarian Anna Erickson said visitors to the display would have access to expert advice and resources to assist in improving the biosecurity of their farm business in order to protect their markets into the future.

“Whether it is ensuring that your livestock are safe from exotic disease threats, such as African swine fever, learning how to protect them from lead poisoning, or checking your registration as a livestock owner is current so that we can act quickly to contain an emergency disease outbreak, DPIRD can assist,” Dr Erickson said.

“Producers can also pick up information about the subsidies available to support producers who call a vet to investigate unusual livestock disease signs or high mortalities.

“These veterinary investigations provide proof of Australia’s freedom from specific livestock diseases and support our export markets.”

Dr Erickson said DPIRD Footrot Control Program staff and a representative of the Sheep and Goats Industry Funding Scheme Management Committee would also be available to discuss the latest information about the program with visitors.

While in the DPIRD shed, livestock owners can also hear the latest updates on work underway for the department’s Katanning Research Facility to become carbon neutral by 2030.

The display will also feature the department’s Sheep Flock Composition Calculator and how it can be used to compare selling scenarios and model the consequences of selling or retaining different age classes of ewes over six years.

Representatives from the Western Australian Livestock Research Council and Meat and Livestock Australia will also be available to discuss industry issues.

Producers can also obtain water supply information about managing dry seasons, self-sufficiency, desalination and the department’s new WaterSmart Farms project.

There will also be displays about grain biosecurity, including details about how to register for the Pantry Blitz 2021 program.

The DPIRD Woolorama display will be at Site 626, Kitchener St, opposite the ram pavilion.

Source: WA DPIRD