$283 million for NSW bushfire recovery projects

NSW communities impacted by the 2019-20 Black Summer bushfires will benefit from $283 million in funding for 195 projects through Stage Two of the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund.

Minister for Emergency Management David Littleproud said the $283 million announced will continue the bushfire recovery efforts.

“The Australian Government has invested $2.3 billion in the recovery of communities, businesses and industries impacted by the devastating Black Summer bushfires,” Minister Littleproud said.

“We are injecting $103 million into tourism support and economic development and almost $100 million into community and social recovery.

“More than $13 million will provide opportunities for Indigenous employment and support Indigenous initiatives such as cultural burning programs.”

NSW Deputy Premier and Minister for Disaster Recovery John Barilaro said applications were from 47 Local Government Areas impacted by the bushfires.

“Due to the high demand and quality of applications in this round, the Australian and NSW Governments agreed to bring forward an additional $33 million from Stage 3 to fund more projects,” Mr Barilaro said.

“The funded projects are community-led initiatives, meeting a diverse range of local needs – such as the Youth Beyond the Flame program in Lithgow and a community recovery and regeneration centre for South East NSW.”

The Department of Regional NSW led the merit-based assessment of applications. The process was overseen by independent probity advisors from both the Australian and NSW Governments.

Applicants who were unsuccessful will be offered an opportunity for feedback and advice about other funding options they might wish to consider, including the Australian Government’s $280 million Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants, opening in July.

For more information about the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund in NSW, visit: www.recovery.gov.au/our-community/local-bushfire-recovery-projects or www.nsw.gov.au/blerfund

Source: NSW Government