Landholders will be able to gain valuable insights into landscape management options that will help to increase productivity through a workshop series that is being held in the Western region later in May 2019.
The grazing naturally workshops, which are being coordinated by Western Local Land Services, will also demonstrate to landholders how better landscape management can improve the properties natural resource base, provide greater biodiversity and enhance the resilience of the property.
Dick Richardson, who is an internationally recognised leader in the practice of natural grazing to improve soil depth and health, water retention, increase biodiversity and animal production, will be the presenter for the workshops.
The details of the workshops are:
1. Brewarrina, 20 May 2019 – commence at 9 am at the Barwon Room at the Brewarrina RSL. The property host is Andrew George, “Tarrion”.
2. Wilcannia, 22 May 2019 – commence at 9 am at “Kalyanka”. Property host is Mog Davies and a BBQ dinner will follow the workshop.
3. Anabranch, 24 May 2019 – commence at 9 am at the Anabranch Hall. The property host is Amber and Phil Baird, “Oakbank”.
All workshops are fully catered and for this reason please RSVP by Thursday, 16 May 2019 to Land Services Officer, Andrea Cashmere on 0417 050 138 or
The workshops are another tool Western Local Land Services is using to raise awareness and engage with landholders with regards to the Coolibah-Black Box Endangered Ecological Community.
For more information on the Coolibah-Black Box Woodland contact Ms Cashmere.
This project is supported by Western Local Land Services, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.
Source: Western Local Land Services