An advisory group, tasked with providing direction on waste policy and legislation, has been set up as part of the WA Government’s continued push to improve Western Australia’s recycling and waste management.
Following the recent release of the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030, Environment Minister Stephen Dawson has established the Waste Reform Advisory Group to help inform the future direction of waste reform in the State.
This new advisory group will continue the work of the Waste Taskforce – convened by the Minister as a response to the enforcement of the China National Sword Policy – and be the ongoing mechanism to ensure up-to-date information on waste matters is maintained.
It will provide advice on the direction and development of waste policy and legislation in Western Australia, including the key reforms outlined in the State’s new waste strategy and the Premier’s priority waste target announced as part of Our Priorities.
The Waste Reform Advisory Group will be chaired by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation’s Director General Mike Rowe, and will include representatives from the Waste Authority, local government, peak industry and resource bodies, community groups and non-government organisations, and material recovery operators.
The group’s first meeting is anticipated to be in April 2019.
Source: WA Government