WA’s visitor numbers and spend the highest on record

WA’s visitor numbers and spend the highest on record

The latest visitor data from Tourism Research Australia reveals the number of visitors to Western Australia, and their total spend, has again reached an all-time high.

According to the latest National Visitor Survey (NVS) and International Visitor Survey (IVS), which were released today, WA had 2.87 million out-of-state (international and interstate) visitors in the year ending September 2019.

The number of total overnight visitors was 11.8 million people who, together with day-trippers, spent $10.9 billion in the State – an increase of 17.9 per cent on the previous year. Of this, $5.2 billion (48 per cent) was spent in regional WA.

International holiday visitors were the highest on record for Western Australia, with the number increasing by 13.2 per cent to 521,800 – the highest amount of international holiday visitors WA has ever seen.

International holiday spend was also the highest WA has ever seen, with a year-on-year increase of 25.2 per cent to $870 million. As a result, total international visitor spend in WA increased by seven per cent, to $2.31 billion.

The NVS results revealed WA had 1.9 million interstate visitors in the year ending September 2019, an increase of 22.7 per cent on the previous year. These visitors spent $1.94 billion, with both figures the highest on record.

Of those interstate visitors, 478,000 came to WA for a holiday – a 9.6 per cent increase on the same time last year – and spent $822 million.

The NVS also showed growing numbers of Western Australians are holidaying at home, with intrastate holiday trips increasing by 15.1 per cent to 3.79 million – the highest figures on record – and corresponding spend up 17.2 per cent to $2.3 billion.

Source: WA Government