The WA Government has welcomed the $1.1 billion transport infrastructure spend announced by the Commonwealth Government.
The projects, negotiated by the State Government, will help create thousands of local jobs and improve safety across the State.
This will extend the $6.5 billion pipeline of road and rail works currently underway across Western Australia, creating and supporting jobs and providing opportunities for local businesses.
The WA Government is already spending $260 million a month on infrastructure, with $100 million of this funding in regional WA.
Key projects funded in the announcement include $16 million for Cape Leveque access roads in the Kimberley and $16 million for works on the Goldfields Highway (Wiluna to Meekatharra), which will enable the continuation of local jobs and training opportunities in the local area.
Regional road safety is a major priority of the WA Government we welcome further funding for the Wheatbelt Secondary Freight Network, and other regional road safety projects.
Funding for other major road projects, such as the Roe Highway interchange project, will allow the project scope to expand and to be progressed as soon as possible.
The WA Government has also worked to fast track approvals and cut red tape for an additional 11 major transport infrastructure projects, worth $2.37 billion and estimated to create 13,000 local jobs.
Source: WA Government