Victorian industry seeks waste solution

“The Australian Industry Group calls on the Victorian Government for further action to assist in addressing the state’s worsening waste dilemma confronting local councils and the general community,” the Victorian Head of the Australian Industry Group Tim Piper said.

“Everyone appreciates that we don’t want recyclable waste going to landfill. It is not productive and it is a waste of resources.

“The State Government is sitting on a Sustainability Fund of hundreds of millions of dollars. At least some of this should be used to encourage the development of recycling capabilities and to create systems to recover waste to overcome the crisis in this essential service area.

“This should be done in partnership with industry. There are companies willing to invest in new processes. They need certainty of policy, certainty of contracts and Government assurance that planning processes can be pursued quickly.

“In the meantime, in the interests of public health and until new facilities are available, the waste should go to controlled landfill rather than to have accumulating piles of uncontrolled waste,” Mr Piper said.

Source: Ai Group