Unemployment in Victorian regions at all-time low

Victoria’s regional unemployment rate has dropped to the lowest mark on record and at just 4.2 per cent, remains the lowest of all the states.

Regional unemployment fell by 0.2 points in the three months to April 2019, and has plunged 2.4 percentage points since the Victorian Government came to office in November 2014.

Unemployment fell across the Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, Hume, Latrobe-Gippsland, North West and Warrnambool-South West regions, according to Australian Bureau of Statistics.

The Victorian Government is backing our regions by cutting payroll tax, helping first-home buyers and providing the Free TAFE program for thousands of people looking to build the skills they need to find and keep a job.

The Government is continuing its record transport maintenance investment in rural and regional areas, rolling out unprecedented safety upgrades on high-risk roads and investing in track, signalling and station upgrades, and new trains for regional rail lines.

The Connecting Regional Communities Program is delivering improved mobile coverage, piloting new broadband networks for businesses in Horsham, Morwell and Geelong, and installing free public Wi-Fi in Ballarat, Bendigo, Shepparton and Geelong.

Source: Vic Government