Transport Hub Safety Project to improve safety and Bridge Mall visitor experience

The City of Ballarat has welcomed a $450,000 grant from the Federal Government for development of a Transport Hub Safety Project in the Bridge Mall that will address safety concerns and improve the visitor experience.

The City Plaza Transport Hub Safety Project will deliver high quality public infrastructure including the installation of public place CCTV, lighting and bollards to:

  • Improve capacity for police surveillance and response to incidents at the site in real time
  • Provide higher levels of illumination at the site to increase actual and perceptions of safety of transport hub users
  • Reduce the opportunity for vehicular pedestrian conflict at the site through the use of bollards.

The funding has been allocated through the Safer Communities Program, (Infrastructure stream).

Ballarat Mayor, Cr Ben Taylor said the project was an important component of the Bakery Hill Redevelopment Project. “The precinct is a central transport connection within the heart of Ballarat and is closely located to the CBD.

“The project will allow us to address one of the key aspects for improvement, identified during the community consultation process for the redevelopment of the Bakery Hill/Bridge Mall precinct,” he said.

“Council is grateful to the Federal Government and Senator for Victoria, the Hon Sarah Henderson for their support of one of the City’s oldest and most significant retail precincts.

The project will complement the work of international design practice Hassell who have been appointed to reinvigorate the Bridge Mall.

Source: City of Ballarat