Tenders awarded for sporting infrastructure upgrades in central Australia

Through the Territory Government’s commitment to remote sporting infrastructure, Central Australian communities are set to get $2.1 million investment in sporting infrastructure with tenders awarded in Haasts Bluff, Papunya and Docker River.

The Territory Government is working in partnership with the MacDonnell Regional Council to ensure this funding supports their key priorities and is aligned with community expectations.

Local contractor MM Electrical has been awarded the lighting contract in Docker River with works set to start August 2019 and be completed during September 2019.

In Haasts Bluff and Papunya, contracts for the covered basketball courts have been awarded to Harvey Development with works expected to start in July 2019 and be completed during October 2019.

The Territory Government is investing $10 million into remote community sporting infrastructure enhancements throughout the Territory to support strong and healthy communities.

Source: NT Government