The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment announced a temporary water restriction which applies to the Mortons Creek Water Source.
A temporary water restriction was in place for the Hastings Unregulated and Upriver Alluvial Water Source and the Hastings River Coastal Floodplain Alluvial Groundwater Source to control unregulated river and aquifer access licence extractions in the Hastings water source.
The Hastings restriction was necessary to maintain water supply for Basic Landholder Rights, Stock and Domestic and Local Water utility licence holders, including supply for Port Macquarie, during the switch to updated cease-to-pump licence conditions under the new water sharing plan. This restriction expired 30 June 2020.
The revised licence conditions for water users covered by the Hastings unregulated and alluvial water sources water sharing plan have been completed for all water access licence holders. However, water sharing plan amendments are needed, impacting on those who draw water from the Mortons Creek water source.
The department is currently working through the necessary administrative procedures to up-date the rules in the water sharing plan that will apply to water users on Mortons Creek.
The restriction on Mortons Creek Water Source will remain in place until 11 December 2020. However, it can be repealed once the water sharing plan has been amended, new licence conditions are imposed and licence holders have been notified.
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Source: NSW Government