WA Education and Training Minister Sue Ellery launched the new Bunbury Jobs and Skills Centre at South Regional TAFE.
The State Government has invested almost half a million dollars refitting and refurbishing the building, combining the existing Student Services Centre with the new Jobs and Skills Centre to create a new service hub for clients.
A new main entrance, reception area, meeting rooms, pod spaces, workstations and an upgrade to the ICT infrastructure were part of the refurbishments.
Jobs and Skills Centres are available to all Western Australians and offer free advice on training, employment and apprenticeship opportunities from a team of skilled careers professionals.
The Bunbury Jobs and Skills Centre combines and integrates the resources of South Regional TAFE and Jobs South West to deliver career, training and employment information and assistance to the South-West region. Jobs South West will support and promote the Jobs and Skills Centre across the region and ensure adequate and effective liaison with community, industry and employees.
Aboriginal people are a key priority client group, and extensive local stakeholder consultation was undertaken to ensure Aboriginal people benefitted from the new service delivery model.
Outreach services will be provided at other locations throughout the South-West region including Busselton, Collie, Manjimup, Margaret River and Narrogin.
The Bunbury Jobs and Skills Centre will work closely with schools and youth services partners in the region to support and provide career advice or direction for young people looking to study or gain employment.
In its first few months of operation the Bunbury Jobs and Skills Centre has delivered 129 resume assistance services and 48 career guidance services.
While studying for a Certificate III in Business Administration at South Regional TAFE, Sarah Rogers from Bunbury sought help from the Bunbury Jobs and Skills Centre to develop her résumé and cover letter for a position as receptionist at Perkins Builders in Bunbury. Thanks to this support, Ms Rogers secured the role and is progressing well in her new career.
Jobs and Skills Centres are complemented by a comprehensive website resource that includes a job notice board, qualification lists and a course search feature.
Source: WA Government