The NSW Government is encouraging the public to have their say on proposed amendments to the Snowy Water Licence with the public exhibition now open.
The amendments were identified during the Snowy Water Licence mandatory 10-year review under the Act governing Snowy Hydro’s operations, Allan Raine, Acting Director, Water Planning Implementation, Department of Planning, Industry and Environment-Water said.
“The review commenced in 2018 and included a public consultation period which attracted 40 submissions, resulting in 23 actions for implementation. This included 10 administrative amendments to the licence.
“The amendments aim to improve oversight of Snowy Hydro’s operations, improve the coordination of environmental water management, increase transparency, simplify provisions, secure current practice and fix known errors,” he said.
“The public’s involvement in the initial review has led to these proposed amendments, now I’m encouraging the public to review these amendments online and make submissions if they feel they’re required.
“The Snowy Water Licence outlines Snowy Hydro’s rights and obligations managing water on behalf of the community. It’s our water, so I’m encouraging the community to have their say in ensuring we get the best results from this ‘once-in-a-decade’ review process,” Mr Raine said.
For further information on the proposed amendments to the Snowy Water Licence and to make a submission visit our website at:
The public exhibition is open for submissions until 16 June 2020.
Source: NSW Government