Shire of Manjimup goes live with Phase II of Datascape project

Citizens and residents of the Shire of Manjimup in Western Australia are now able to access council services faster and more efficiently following the successful deployment of Datascape from Datacom.

Phase one of the deployment saw Manjimup install a “service requests” model that improved interactions between council and rate payers. Now, with the addition of finance and rates modules, the council has the opportunity to offer online options for rates and other payments, can connect digitally with suppliers and partners, and much more, according to Andrew Campbell, CEO of Shire of Manjimup.

“The council will now have better control over costing information so we can get a more detailed breakdown of each job or project. That means we can control spending with more accuracy and so reduce costs while getting better access to data both in the office and remotely, out in the field,” says Mr Campbell.

Manjimup has been one of the real innovators in terms of smarter data integration and puts its citizens and rate payers at the heart of the project. The Shire was one of the first councils worldwide to deploy Datacom’s Antenno product – an app that allows residents to report issues to council staff from their mobile devices as well as receive updates directly to the device.

“We wanted a platform that doesn’t just allow rate payers to contact us but allows us to engage more directly with individuals, to communicate with them in the way they choose and they are comfortable with. For many people today, that means communicating via an app, and with Antenno we are able to share information with locals and more importantly, hear directly from them when they have an issue,” says Mr Campbell.

For Datacom, working with the team at Manjimup has been a tremendous learning opportunity, says Mark Matijevic, Datacom’s Director of Local Government Solutions.

“They really wanted to be customer-focused and to make sure everything we deploy is going to bring benefit to the rate payers, either in terms of reduced complexity or in increased engagement with their council departments. Because of that commitment we’ve been able to try new things and offer the people of Manjimup some truly world-leading solutions.”

Source: Datacom