The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment has issued a ‘rising river alert’ for the Snowy River between Jindabyne Dam and Dalgety in southern NSW for Tuesday 3 September 2019.
The river will rise due to the third high-flow event in a series of five planned environmental releases from Jindabyne Dam to the Snowy River during 2019.
The highest flow rate will occur at Jindabyne Dam from 7am to 3pm on Tuesday 3 September 2019 and will be equivalent to 2,199 megalitres per day for the eight hour period.
It is expected to see the river water level at Dalgety rise from 1.09m to 1.22m, a rise of 0.13m.
For the remainder of Tuesday 3 September 2019, the flow rate will be about 1,939 megalitres per day. The flow rate will drop back to a target of about 1,335 megalitres per day on Wednesday 4 September.
The environmental benefits from this release are expected to be greatest between the dam wall and the junction with the Delegate River. However, the flow pulse will be noticeable well down into Victoria.
It is important to note that water released at Jindabyne will take about six hours to reach Dalgety Weir at this flow rate. Landholders downstream of the Jindabyne Dam are advised to take all necessary precautions with stock, fencing and property in proximity to the river.
The department will work with the NSW State Emergency Service and the Bureau of Meteorology to provide information to the community regarding the management of this release should weather conditions warrant.
Source: NSW Government