Rezoning land to R1 General Residential in Dubbo

Local government councillors have resolved to support the rezoning of part of 13L Narromine Road, Dubbo, which is the first step in the planning proposal process.

The planning proposal aims to rezone approximately 23ha of land from R2 Low density residential to R1 General residential and reduce the minimum lot size area from 600m2 to 300m2.

The rezoning will allow approximately 100 additional houses to be created, and increase the housing stock within the Dubbo residential housing market. The R1 general residential zone permits, with consent, multi dwelling housing and residential flat buildings which are classified as medium density housing.

Mayor of Dubbo Regional Council Mathew Dickerson said the change would assist in boosting Dubbo’s medium density housing supply.

“Dubbo typically contains single dwelling houses and dual occupancies, but this rezoning could increase the diversity of housing and cater for the needs of changing demographics across the city,” Clr Dickerson said.

Following endorsement by councillors at the 9 February meeting, the planning proposal will now be reviewed by the NSW Government – Department of Planning and Environment.

If the Department supports the planning proposal and issues a Gateway Determination, it will then be placed on public exhibition. Following the public exhibition period, a further report will be presented to Council for consideration.

Following final endorsement, a development application would still be required for any development on the land as the planning proposal doesn’t authorise development to be undertaken