Refurb works complete at Ravenswood pool

Refurb works complete at Ravenswood pool

The Ravenswood public pool will be ready to open next season after undergoing surface refurbishment and other works.

The works included cleaning, acid wash, minor patching of imperfections, the application of epoxy membrane concrete sealer and epoxy swimming pool paint.

Other works will include repairs to the pool fencing and gates and upgrading the treatment plant drainage.

The $50,000 refurbishments works were fully funded by the Works for Queensland (W4Q) program, an initiative of the Queensland Government and supports regional Councils to undertake job-creating infrastructure projects.

The Ravenswood pool works were announced last year as part of Council’s priority projects for the 2019-2021 round of Works for Queensland (W4Q).

Local Government Minister Stirling Hinchliffe said Charters Towers Regional Council had received more than $10.5 million across the three rounds of Works for Queensland, including almost $2 million from the COVID round, creating or supporting almost 400 jobs.

“Projects such as the Ravenswood pool, which are only able to be completed because of this program, are terrific example of state and local governments working together in partnership,” he said.

“We are now focussed on Queenslanders uniting and recovering from this pandemic.”

A total of $2.97M was granted to Council to undertake a number of priority projects which will be completed by 2021.

Mayor Frank Beveridge said the repair works at the Ravenswood pool will meet the needs of the community for years to come.

“It’s fantastic we’ve been able to undertake repairs to the Ravenswood pool, which is well used by the community. The works should extend the life of the pool for years to come,” Mayor Beveridge said.

“Works for Queensland funding is a great initiative which allows us to repair and replace our ageing infrastructure and create jobs in our region.

“Council will continue to advocate the State Government for future funding and for the continuation for the Works for Queensland program.”

Source: Charters Towers Regional Council