Reef Champion Award nominations extended

Nominations for the 2019 Reef Champion Awards have been extended until 12pm Friday, 11 October 2019. The short extension gives outstanding land managers, extension officers, organisations and members of the community working to reduce their impact on the iconic Great Barrier Reef until the end of the week to apply for the awards.

Queensland Farmers’ Federation (QFF) CEO Travis Tobin said the new closing date allowed busy individuals and organisations excelling in their efforts to help safeguard the Reef more time to be recognised and encouraged them to apply.

“We have already received some excellent nominations and encourage other potential applicants to take this opportunity to apply,” Mr Tobin said.

“Farmers, with the support of extension officers and their communities, play an essential role as land managers and it is important to acknowledge and celebrate those who are excelling in their role as environmental stewards.”

The full list of awards is:

  • Prince of Wales Environmental Leadership – Reef Sustainability Award
  • Reef Nutrient Champion Award
  • Reef Sediment Champion Award
  • Reef Pesticide Champion Award
  • Reef Conservation Champion Award
  • Reef Extension Officer Champion Award
  • Reef Community Champion Award
  • Reef Youth Champion Award

The Reef Champion Awards are run by the Reef Alliance with funding from the Australian Government and the Queensland Government’s Reef Water Quality Program.

For more information about the Awards, the prize, previous winners or to apply, visit

Source: QFF