Recovery grants are now available to help eligible primary producers who were affected by severe storms in Walcha and surrounding areas from 20 December 2018.
Assistance is being provided through the Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).
Federal Minister for Emergency Management David Littleproud said that supporting primary producers in Walcha and parts of neighbouring Armidale, Tamworth and Uralla was a priority for all levels of government.
“These storms damaged around 23,500 hectares of mature native trees that provide shade and shelter to livestock,” Minister Littleproud said.
“Farmers have lost livestock and their farm infrastructure has been significantly damaged.
“We want to ensure all those hard working primary producers who are struggling with the financial repercussions have support to get back on their feet.
“These grants will help with clean up and recovery costs, including repairing and replacing damaged fences, equipment and machinery.”
NSW Minister for Police and Emergency Services David Elliott said that eligible primary producers could now access recovery grants of up to $15,000.
“The NSW Government recognises that these storm impacts came on top of devastating drought conditions that the Walcha area has been suffering for some time, exacerbating the effects of the drought.”
“The grants are available to eligible primary producers within 45 parishes across Walcha, Armidale, Tamworth and Uralla who were directly affected by the storms,” Minister Elliot said.
Primary producer recovery grants are available in 45 parishes:
Walcha LGA: Aberbaldie; Ainsley; Andy; Apsley; Bergen op zoom; Boulton; Branga; Cobrabald; Congi; Ella; Emu; Europambela; Fenwick; Gill; Glen Morrison; Halloran; Norton; Ohio; Oorundunby; Salway; Scott; Shelving; St Clair; St Leonard; Tia; Tiara; Uriamukki; Vernon (within Macquarie County, near Tamworth); Walcha; Waterloo; and Winterbourne.
Armidale LGA: Enmore; Merrigalah; and Gill.
Tamworth LGA: Tara; Muluerindie; Burke; South Burke; Anna; Vernon; and Ainsley.
Uralla LGA: Lawrence; Eastlake; Blacknote; and Sandon.
To apply for a recovery grant, primary producers should contact the NSW Rural Assistance Authority on 1800 678 593 or visit
As part of this announcement, a range of other disaster assistance is also being activated for individuals, small businesses, primary producers and other organisations in Uralla Shire that were affected by the storms.
“Assistance will also be extended to affected communities in Uralla who may have suffered personal hardship and to help local councils with the cost of clean-up and repairing damaged public infrastructure,” Minister Elliot said.
Further information on disaster assistance is available on the Australian Government’s Disaster Assist website at and the NSW emergency information and response website at
Source: Australian Government