Protecting Our Local Flora And Fauna

The Victorian Government is encouraging Victorians to help protect the environment, with grants of up to $50,000 now available for conservation projects or habitat restoration.

Victorian Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio opened the $7.4 million Community Environment Grants package, which will fund small and large-scale projects dedicated to preserving Victoria’s biodiversity and waterways.

Community and Traditional Owners groups, volunteer organisations and schools are welcome to apply for grants through three different streams, which include:

  • The Port Phillip Bay Fund – to protect the health of Victoria’s iconic Port Phillip Bay by supporting projects that maintain and improve the health of the Bay’s marine life, habitats and water quality
  • Aboriginal Community Caring for Country Grants – to support Aboriginal communities and organisations to access and care for Country
  • Community Volunteer Action Grants – to protect and enhance the natural environment, boost volunteer participation and address threats to biodiversity on public and private land.

Previous grants have supported a range of work by groups such as Broken Boosey Conservation Management Network to protect Turquoise Parrots, Owlet-nightjars and Brown Treecreepers, while the Yarram Yarram Landcare Network received funding to restore habitat for the Greater Glider and wetland birds.

A further two streams will open later this year, including the Victorian Junior Landcare and Biodiversity Grants – opening in March – which supports the next generation of Victorians to protect biodiversity through action that improves and restores habitat for native plants and animals.

The Victorian Landcare Grants will open in April 2021 for groups doing work to improve the natural environment.

The grants will be spread across a range of geographic locations to align with the priorities identified in the Victorian Government’s blueprint for conservation planning, Protecting Victoria’s Environment – Biodiversity 2037, and Victorians Volunteering for Nature – Environmental Volunteering Plan.

For more information and to apply, visit

Source: Vic Government