Driving new tourism opportunities and diversifying local agriculture are the focus of seven grants in the Peel region, funded through the WA Government’s Regional Economic Development (RED) Grants program.
The WA Government has allocated $23.9 million over four years to the RED Grants program, administered by the nine Regional Development Commissions, providing $855,000 to the Peel region in the first round.
Improving the tourism experience in the Peel is a major focus of the first round of RED Grants.
Mandurah Boat and Bike Hire will receive almost $150,000 to support its custom build of two new multipurpose tour vessels, to help attract overseas tour operators to the region.
The WA Government will also invest $100,000 in a Mandurah Cruises project to purchase a second boat for its Wild Seafood Experience tourism product, expanding their potential tourism market.
Dwellingup’s Forest Heritage Centre will receive $135,000 for upgrades at the Jarrah Forest Lodge, to enable YHA accreditation and an increase in bookings to secure Dwellingup’s future as a tourist hotspot.
In agriculture, ManukaLife Pty Ltd will receive more than $120,000 to trial the production of Manuka essential oil in a broad acre farming environment to determine the economic viability of commercialising the industry in Western Australia.
The opportunity to commercialise Manuka oil production in WA is an opportunity to capitalise on global demand for the product, which is currently sourced from New Zealand.
Funding has also been allocated towards developing Capogreco Farm’s export-ready cooling systems, relocating a plastic manufacturing business to Cardup and developing a paint yard in Mandurah.
Source: WA Government