Parkes to Host Major 2023 LGNSW Water Management Conference

Parkes Shire Council has won the right to host the prestigious 2023 Local Government NSW (LGNSW) Water Management Conference, which is expected to attract hundreds of participants from across NSW.

The major annual event provides a dedicated forum for local government delegates, water managers and professionals, policy makers from government agencies and key industry stakeholders to discuss water policy initiatives and trends as well as best practice in water governance and management.

LGNSW President Darriea Turley said the last several years have proven how significant the conference is for councils and local water utilities.

“Water security is one of LGNSW’s most pressing advocacy priorities, and as we continue to battle climate change, water management will remain a focal point for local government leaders,” Cr Turley said.

“I’m really delighted that next year’s Conference will be held in Parkes: they have an outstanding record not only in water management but in hosting fantastic events that truly demonstrate the best our regions have to offer.”

Mayor of Parkes Shire Cr Ken Keith OAM said, “Parkes Shire Council is excited to be hosting the 2023 LGNSW Water Management Conference.”

“We are looking forward to welcoming the hundreds of participants to our region and being able to showcase our vibrant Shire and our water infrastructure, which includes the latest water, wastewater, and recycled water technology.”

Cr Turley congratulated Mayor Ken Keith OAM and his team on their top-quality bid to host the 2023 Water Conference.

“Parkes Shire Council has been proactive in investing in water projects to ensure a clean, safe and secure water supply for the future,” Cr Turley said.

“It’s the kind of approach that helps demonstrate why our regional councils are best placed to help drive a locally-led recovery from the economic impacts of the past few years: drought, fires, floods and the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I know they will put on a great event, and I look forward to seeing our state’s leading water experts and professionals there in June next year.”

Source: LGNSW