One of the region’s most popular parks turns blue for an important cause

One of the region’s most popular parks turns blue for an important cause

Gladstone’s Lions Park is looking a little blue, but it’s all for a very worthy cause.

Gladstone Regional Council has teamed up with Treescape to support the Blue Tree Project ahead of Queensland Mental Health Week 2020, running from 10-18 October 2020.

Residents may have already noticed a deceased blue gum, fittingly painted in blue, located near Police Creek at Lions Park.

Gladstone Region Councillor Chris Cameron encouraged local schools and businesses to support the Blue Tree Project initiative by painting a tree of their own.

“The aim of the Blue Tree Project is to help spark difficult conversations, encouraging people to speak up about their mental health concerns,” Councillor Cameron said.

“By spreading paint, we can spread a message that ‘it’s OK to not be OK’, which can help break down the stigma that’s still attached to mental wellbeing.

“This iconic blue tree will be a great conversation starter and Council encourages people struggling with their mental health to seek support – whether that’s professional help or simply checking in on friends and family.

“Individually we are one tree, but together we are a forest.”

Cr Cameron added that Gladstone Regional Council is committed to improving employee health and wellbeing by listening, caring and encouraging respect towards our own people and the community.

Please visit for more information.

If you or anyone you know needs help, please contact one of the following numbers:

  • Lifeline ph. 13 11 14
  • Lifeline Text (6pm-midnight AEST) 0477 131 114
  • Suicide Call Back Service ph. 1300 659 497
  • Beyond Blue ph. 1300 224 636
  • Headspace (for 12-25 years) ph. 1800 650 890
  • MensLine ph. 1300 789 978
  • DV Connect:
    • Women’s Line ph. 1800 811 811
    • Men’s Line ph. 1800 600 636
  • Relationships Australia ph. 1300 364 277
  • Nhulundu Heath Service ph. 4979 0992
  • Centacare CQ ph. 1300 523 985
  • Gladstone Mental Health, Alcohol and other Drugs ph. 4976 3244
  • Alcoholics Anonymous ph. 0419 725 287
  • Lives Lived Well ph. 4976 9172
  • Uniting Care ph. 4970 1600
  • Gladstone Group of Gamblers Anonymous ph. 0467 655 799
  • Gladstone Suicide Bereavement Support Group:
    • Mark ph. 0408 871 131
    • Wendy ph. 0413 125 921
  • GriefLine ph. 1300 845 745.

Source: GRC

Featured Image: (L to R): Cr Glenn Churchill, Max Thompson (Gladstone Region Youth Council), David Pyke (Treescape), Roberta Spencer (Blue Tree Project advocate), Narelle Schonhardt (Blue Tree Project advocate) and Cr Chris Cameron.