Ocean Grove surf life-saving club officially opened

The new Ocean Grove life-saving clubhouse has been officially opened, boosting the safety of beachgoers at one of Victoria’s most popular surf beaches.

Victorian Minister for Police and Emergency Services Lisa Neville unveiled the plaque to mark the opening of the modern, fit-for-purpose clubhouse, thanking the club and the community for delivering the facility.

The Victorian Government has invested $4.3 million in the project, which will give volunteer lifesavers more space to support their summer patrols, as well as education and training opportunities as part of the club’s strong commitment to aquatic sports.

It will also provide year-round facilities for Ocean Grove residents and visitors to enjoy.

Formed in 1948, the Ocean Grove Surf Life Saving Club currently has about 1000 members, with approximately 350 of those junior or “nipper” members.

The new facility replaces the one which was more than 25 years’ old and no longer fit for purpose, which catered for 250 members at the time of construction in 1994.

Ocean Grove’s main beach is patrolled every summer by volunteers from the club. During the 2018–19 season, lifesavers and lifeguards performed 7862 preventive actions and 82 first-aid treatments.

In addition to the Victorian Government’s investment, the Federal Government contributed $1 million, while the City of Geelong provided $150,000.

Source: Vic Government