NTCET exams commence for nearly 1400 students

November 4 2019 marks the official start of the Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET) final written examinations, which will continue in schools across the Territory for the next two weeks.

The number of individual students enrolled to sit exams in this year (2019) is 1380. This includes final year students and some from levels other than year 12.

The first written exam to be held across the Territory is this morning’s (November 4 2019) Biology exam, scheduled for 8am.

Students will sit exams in 38 different subjects this year (2019), including in 13 different languages. Some language examinations have already taken place in the past two weeks.

This year (2019) marks the second year some NTCET exams will be held electronically. Modern History and Psychology students will sit electronic exams, following on from English Literary Studies students who sat their exams for the first time electronically last year (2018).

NTCET results are scheduled to be released at 7.30am, Tuesday, 17 December, 2019.

Source: NT Government