NSW arts funding rounds announced

NSW arts funding rounds announced

The NSW Government has improved the Arts and Cultural Development Program application experience by introducing two funding rounds and setting fixed application timelines.

NSW Minister for the Arts Don Harwin said the new Create NSW funding rounds will bring benefits to all applicants by removing barriers.

“We’re reducing the eligibility criteria to deliver a more flexible arts funding model that will make it simpler and easier for the sector to apply for funding,” Mr Harwin said.

“We have listened to sector feedback and I am pleased to be able to publish for the first time, long-lead funding notification dates that will allow applicants to submit proposals with confidence, knowing when they will receive results and when they can confirm employment, presentation dates and other funding sources.

“By removing barriers to entry, I’m confident we will be able to attract a wider breadth of artists, organisations and cultural workers to apply for funding.”

Under the new streamlined approach, there will be two open rounds per year. The first round will open 5 August 2019 and close 2 September 2019; the second round will open 3 February 2020 and close 2 March 2020.

“An open and flexible approach to guidelines will support a broader range of applicants, new ideas and new models of working, while also continuing our targeted support for artforms and key priority areas including Creative Koori grants,” said Mr Harwin.

The new guidelines will be announced with more information for applicants in late June 2019.

Source: NSW Government