New refrigerated van supporting a fruitful enterprise

A new refrigerated vehicle is generating job opportunities for ex-offenders at the Fruit2Work social enterprise, thanks to funding from the Victorian Government.

Victorian Minister for Crime Prevention Ben Carroll announced that a $50,000 grant had been provided as part of the Community Crime Prevention Program.

The grant will enable Fruit2Work to buy an additional vehicle, helping it to deliver more fresh fruit and milk to workplaces across Victoria.

The extra capacity will help 15 people gain valuable experience over the next three years, as part of Fruit2Work’s commitment to offer meaningful work to those who have been in the criminal justice system.

Since the social enterprise was launched in 2016, it has employed 28 people. It currently has 14 staff who have been in the justice system, including four young people.

Employees are involved in the preparation, packing and delivery of products, with Fruit2Work also providing mentoring and counselling to help people make positive changes in their lives.

The Community Crime Prevention Program supports a range of local projects that are helping communities prevent crime and improve public safety.

The government allocated $25 million over four years to the program in 2018-19, on top of the $19.4 million provided in 2016-17.

This significant investment is funding a range of community-led crime prevention programs, including initiatives to reduce youth crime, security and safety upgrades, and additional support for Crime Stoppers Victoria, Neighbourhood Watch Victoria and the National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council.

Source: Vic Government