After decades of working with broadacre farmers across the country, Bill Gordon is looking forward to the challenges presented in his new role as the Grains Biosecurity Officer for NSW.
Employed by the NSW Department of Primary Industries, Bill will be working in the Grains Farm Biosecurity Program which is funded by Grain Producers Australia and managed by Plant Health Australia.
“I am thrilled to be working in the program. Where else could you work with a team helping to protect an industry the size of the Australia’s grain industry?” said Bill.
Before joining the program, he worked in crop protection and pesticide application.
Bill has also delivered projects for the Grains Research and Development Corporation, including workshops for more than 10,000 grain growers across the country.
“I hope to use my experiences working with grain growers and advisors to promote best practice in farm biosecurity,” he shared.
“During my time on farms across the country for more than two decades I have seen great examples of how growers protect their investments by putting in place simple biosecurity practices on farm that prevent the introduction or spread of pests and diseases.”
“You can always tell when you arrive on farm if the owners are alert to biosecurity. It usually starts with a biosecurity sign on the gate and a way of keeping track of visitors to the farm.
“Most have dedicated gravel parking areas, on farm vehicles to use instead of your own, a vehicle wash-down area and footbaths.
“All of these practices indicate the grower is serious about keeping out pests, weeds and diseases.”
For more information about how to implement farm biosecurity practices on your property contact Bill on 0428 133 944 or at
For more information about the Grains Farm Biosecurity Program visit where you will find fact sheets on grain pests and biosecurity.
More from Plant Health Australia
Featured Image: Bill Gordon is new Grains Biosecurity Officer for NSW.