More services re-open at Recycling & Recovery Centre

More services re-open at Recycling & Recovery Centre

Lismore City Council is pleased to inform residents that it is once again accepting asbestos at the Recycling & Recovery Centre at Wyrallah Road and that the facility’s Community Recycling Centre has also re-opened.

The Wyrallah Road facility is accepting any domestic asbestos such as household kits, commercial asbestos and any other waste containing asbestos.

Council has made some changes to requirements regarding packaging, transporting and receiving of asbestos to ensure the safety of staff and users.

Please go to Northern Rivers Waste website for details before arriving at the facility

The popular Community Recycling Centre has also re-opened after it was closed due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Now that new safety measures have been put in place, the facility has re-opened.

Residents can once again safely dispose of items such as batteries, oils, fluorescent light tubes, and household and garden chemicals.

The Revolve Shop remains closed at this time. It will re-open once all restrictions regarding handling materials are lifted.

Recycling Items and asbestos will be accepted Monday to Friday between 8am and 3pm, and Saturday’s from 9am to 4pm.

Source: Lismore City Council