More mobile CCTV cameras to deter crime & anti-social behaviour in Alice Springs

The Territory Government is breaking the cycle of crime and anti-social behaviour in Alice Springs through a comprehensive plan, which includes six new mobile closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras.

There are ten mobile CCTV cameras in total across the Territory with six located in Alice Springs. They are currently located at Traeger Park, Albrecht Oval, Gap View Hotel, KFC, and TJM 4×4 Equipped on Whittaker Street. A sixth camera will come online over the next few months.

The mobile CCTV cameras are strategically placed in anti-social hotspots to assist Police with the identification and prosecution of those caught doing the wrong thing. The cameras are also used to monitor alcohol supply to fight alcohol-related crime and the secondary supply of alcohol.

The cameras provide real time monitoring at each of the locations with Police able to quickly respond to incidents of anti-social and criminal activity. The cameras will be monitored by Police 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The mobile CCTV cameras are part of the Territory Government’s investment of $5 million towards CPTED (crime prevention through environmental design) initiatives in Alice Springs.

CPTED works already undertaken include street lighting upgrades in three CBD locations, enhancing the quality of CCTV footage. The locations are Wills and Leichardt Terraces, and the laneway connecting Gregory and Stott Terraces at the rear of the Diplomat Hotel.

New and upgraded fixed CCTV cameras are currently being installed to complement the mobile units. This includes an additional 32 cameras and eight audio kits. This will bring the Alice Springs CCTV network from 45 to 77 cameras by mid-June 2019.

The addition of mobile CCTV cameras is part of the Territory Government’s Breaking the Cycle plan to tackle youth crime and anti-social behaviour in Alice Springs.

Other initiatives include:

  • Appoint seven Youth Engagement Night Officers (YENOs) to work seven days a week from 8pm-3am with young people who are on the street (and regularly involved in crime) and get them on a better path. YENOs will support NT Police, Territory Families and non-government youth services. A trial of the new service was conducted during the Easter school holidays. (In effect 28 June 2019)
  • Expand the youth drop-in centres. Gap Youth and Community Centre and Tangentyere Council Brown Street now operate seven (up from five) days per week and have extended their bus services. (Already in effect)
  • Expand the hours of the Tangentyere Night Patrol to get young people off the streets. Patrol vehicles will run seven nights a week from 6pm-3am. (In effect 3 June 2019)
  • Two School Engagement Officers to work with young people who have been identified as being disengaged from schooling. These officers have been appointed. (Already in effect)
  • Three School Compliance Officers to work with young people when attempts to increase school attendance has not been successful. These officers have been appointed. (Already in effect)
  • Create an Aboriginal-led Youth Outreach Service. A team of senior, respected Aboriginal outreach workers will provide advice and support to youth engagement officers and mentor Aboriginal youth, drawing on the cultural authority of the Tangentyere Council Men’s Four Corners Group and Tangentyere Women’s Family Safety Group. (In effect 1 July 2019)

Source: NT Government