More Aboriginal Victorians will have a safe and secure place to call home thanks to a boost in Victorian Government funding and further support for Aboriginal self-determination.
The Government will invest $150 million to build new homes, which is in addition to $35 million to upgrade existing housing, through grants to Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations and Aboriginal housing providers.
The grants, which support the Victorian Government’s continuing commitment to self-determination, are expected to create more than 400 new homes for Aboriginal households on the Victorian Housing Register.
Work on existing housing will include major renovations, as well as electrical safety and energy-efficiency upgrades, which will result in greater resident comfort and a reduction in household energy costs.
This investment is on top of other projects that are investing a total of more than $10 million for 47 properties in locations including Dandenong, Endeavour Hills, Werribee, Doveton, Hampton Park and Reservoir.
The investments are part of the Government’s ongoing commitment to developing a self-determined and culturally safe Aboriginal housing and homelessness sector to tackle housing stress and homelessness and support collective and individual ownership of land and housing.
The first applications for funding under the Homes for Aboriginal Victorians round are open until 5 May 2022. More information can be found at Social Housing Growth Fund – Homes for Aboriginal Victorians | Victorian Government
Source: Vic Government