Keeping showmen and women on the road

Support of $8.3 million is available under the Coalition Government’s Supporting Agricultural Showmen and Women program to provide travelling showmen and women assistance with showmen’s guild membership fees and rental relief.

Minister for Agriculture and Northern Australia David Littleproud said the Government will be working with the Victorian Showmen’s Guild to administer up to $7.8 million of payments to contribute to the rental costs for travelling showmen and women associated with their participation at agricultural shows in the 2021-22 and 2022-23 financial years.

Up to $500,000 is also available to contribute to the operational costs of travelling show businesses by supporting a moratorium and/or refund on showmen’s guild membership fees for the 2021 and 2022 calendar years.

“The last two years have been tough for many of us but travelling businesses who visit agricultural shows have been hit very hard,” Minister Littleproud said.

“Because of the restrictions from COVID-19, many showmen and women have been completely deprived of their main source of income.

“These grants will help travelling showmen and women – often small, independent sole-trader or family-based operations – cover parts of their operational costs through support for guild membership fees and showground rental relief.

“Thanks to this program, travelling showmen and women will be supported to continue to provide the entertainment and amusements often featured at our agricultural shows.

“Agricultural shows attribute up to 75 percent of their ticket sales to the attractions that travelling show businesses provide.

“These events are estimated to contribute over $1 billion to the Australian economy, attract over six million patrons and enlist 50,000 volunteers each year.

“But more than that, agricultural shows are a great day out for regional Australians where distance, drought, bushfires, floods and the COVID-19 pandemic have made life more difficult.”

Source: Australian Government