How to maintain farm fencing

How to maintain farm fencing

A good fence is an investment. Designing your fence correctly before you start & using the right materials will help to maximise the value of your investment over the life of the fence.

However, even the very best fences will require some maintenance to ensure ongoing peak performance.

There are factors outside of your control that will require attention over time.

Environmental conditions like floods, fallen branches and stock related wear and tear are all issues that can impact a fence’s performance.

Top tips from Waratah Fencing:

1. Check regularly

Walk or drive along your fence lines regularly to check for fence line failure points.

Most maintenance can be done on the spot using tools and accessories.

2. Clear along fence lines

Remove any debris or fallen tree branches on or around your fence line.

The debris that is left behind from storms and floods can become entangled on your fence.

Left unattended over time, wet waste can affect the coating of your wire and posts, causing rust or corrosion, or provide a way over the fence for feral animals.

Remove or trim grass that grows up around the posts and wire along your fence.

It promotes good air circulation to keep the steel surfaces dry, slowing the effects of corrosion.

It also reduces the combustible material around the post in the event of a grass fire, reducing the chance of extreme heat damage.

3. Repair erosion points

After heavy rain, check that soil erosion under your fence does not compromise your boundary and let stock out or feral animals in.

4. Check posts and wire tension

Straighten or replace broken posts with the same or stronger posts.

Over time, things like stock pressure, fallen tree branches and general wear and tear can also cause your wire tension relax.

For more great fencing advice, and to view the latest information on Waratah Fencing products visit their website:

This article was first published in The Fence magazine.

Image: Courtesy of Waratah Fencing