Teams of outreach workers will patrol homeless hotspots across Geelong as part of a rough sleepers’ package being rolled out by the Victorian Government to better support vulnerable Victorians.
Victorian Minister for Housing Richard Wynne announced the $17 million package, which includes 20 new modular homes to be built in areas of high need.
Under the new program, foot patrols of outreach workers will provide tailored and targeted support to people sleeping rough and help direct them to emergency accommodation and ongoing support.
Meanwhile supportive housing teams will focus on ongoing solutions that get people off the streets and keep them in housing, helping with short to medium-term accommodation options and rental subsidies.
The package is part of the Victorian Government’s $45 million Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Plan and includes:
- assertive outreach teams with flexible delivery in Bendigo, Maroondah, Warrnambool, Swan Hill, Frankston, Dandenong and Geelong
- supportive housing teams in Frankston, inner Melbourne, Geelong and Dandenong
- modular housing support in Bacchus Marsh, Geelong (Norlane) and Dandenong.
Sacred Heart Mission, Uniting Ballarat, Brophy Family and Youth Services, Haven Home Safe, Neami Ltd, Wellways and Launch Housing are partnering with the Government as part of the program.
The modular homes will be managed by Neami in Geelong (seven) and Dandenong (seven), and Uniting Ballarat in Bacchus Marsh (six) and are expected to be completed later in 2019.
The modular housing will provide homes for people with complex needs who have been sleeping rough for an extended period and will be backed by intensive onsite support.
Source: Vic Government