Have a say in, what happens to the Great Artesian Basin

The NSW Government has announced the Water Sharing Plan for the Great Artesian Basin is now on public exhibition for community feedback.

Water sharing plans are important as they prescribe how water is sustainably managed to support economic, social, cultural and environmental outcomes, including the limit of water that can be extracted.

Vanessa O’Keefe, A/Executive Director, NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment said the plan is available to view and comment on online, and also invited the community attend public consultations.

“Great Artesian Basin groundwater users are invited to submit feedback on the draft plan online until the 30 March (2020), and to also attend public consultation sessions next month in Moree, Lightning Ridge, Bourke and Coonamble.

“Over the past few years, additional data has been collected to allow us to update the way that water is managed in the Great Artesian Basin. This plan will improve environmental and community outcomes for the area.

“The draft plan will replace the current NSW Great Artesian Basin Water Sharing Plan that is due to expire on 1 July 2020. It is on exhibition from 20 February to 30 March 2020, and can be viewed at www.industry.nsw.gov.au/nsw-gab-groundwater-sources,” Ms O’Keefe said.

The draft plan applies to the groundwater resources of NSW’s Great Artesian Basin, referred to as the:

  • Eastern Recharge Groundwater Source,
  • Southern Recharge Groundwater Source,
  • Surat Groundwater Source,
  • Warrego Groundwater Source, and
  • Central Groundwater Source.

Water sharing plans are subject to review every 10 years under the Water Management Act 2000.

Source: NSW Government