Groote Eylandt landline, mobile or internet services

Groote Eylandt landline, mobile or internet services

Groote Eylandt currently does not have landline, mobile or internet services. The communication issues are not related to the weather conditions from the cyclone.

The cyclone threat level for Groote Eylandt is low. Groote Eylandt is not currently experiencing any weather associated with the cyclone and public shelters will not be opened unless there is a change in the threat level.

Police are active in the township and are presently on duty 24 hours a day, with extra police from Darwin providing support. The front counter at Groote Eylandt Police Station is open during normal business hours.

If the cyclone tracking changes, police and other agencies, including emergency services, will be active to inform the community. Please listen to your local radio for further updates to the cyclone.

Source: NT Government