First Aboriginal woman appointed to Purchasing Board

The Victorian Government is supporting Aboriginal business engagement in state government procurement, with the appointment of Seona James to the Victorian Government Purchasing Board (VGPB).

Ms James is the first Aboriginal woman to join the Board since its establishment in 1995 and is one of three new Members to be appointed in July 2019.

A Yorta Yorta woman, Ms James has focused her career on Aboriginal engagement and relationship building with Indigenous organisations and non-Indigenous leadership teams and employees.

She was a member of the Victorian Aboriginal Economic Board from April 2017 to May 2019 and established her own business, Indigenous Cultural Connections, in March 2018.

Ms James also brings considerable expertise from her previous roles at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, Linfox Logistics Australia and Australia Post.

Joining Ms James on the Board will be two new appointees from the Victorian Public Service – Denise Dyer, Senior Manager, Property and Procurement Services at the William Angliss Institute, and Peter Lane, Chief Information Officer with the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions.

The new Members’ three-year terms commence in July 2019, ensuring a fifty-fifty gender balance on the VGPB.

The Board sets the policies that govern procurement of non-construction goods and services for all Victorian Government departments and a number of public bodies.

Source: Vic Government