An Expression of Interest (EOI) process has opened for those interested in leasing or purchasing the Dubbo Regional Livestock Markets (DRLM).
Dubbo Regional Council (DRC) decided to open an EOI during the March Ordinary Council Meeting better to understand the options for the future of the Markets.
DRC CEO Murray Wood said following a service review of the facility; the Council endeavours to operate the markets as a financially sustainable commercial asset while complying with any requirements and legislation.
“Council is committed to ensuring the long-term sustainability and viability of the Livestock Markets for the benefit of our community and stakeholders involved, which is why we are undertaking this process.”
“Currently, no decision has been made.”
“Council is seeking expressions of interest from organisations who may want to purchase or lease the markets from Council. Once we have that information and information on an updated Council operating model, a report will be provided to Councillors to determine the next steps,” Mr Wood said.
Mr Wood said changes would have to be made in the running of the markets going forward and this is the first step in assessing the future of the Livestock Markets.
“Council wants to understand the market to inform future decisions. One of the options is still for Council to deliver the service ‘in-house’, but it should be noted that we will have to make significant changes to the operations to better meet our legislative obligations around competition law, workplace safety and animal welfare.”
The EOI opened on 16 April and will close on 14 May.
Organisations or groups can express their interest by contacting for an information pack.
The information pack can also be found online at .