Embracing Victoria’s many cultures and traditions

Multicultural organisations are encouraged to apply for funding to hold cultural events, festivals and exhibitions that celebrate their food and traditions with others in the community.

The Victorian Government is making $1.35 million available to eligible organisations to hold events in the first six months of 2020, as part of the second round of the Multicultural Festivals and Events Program.

It recognises Victoria’s rich multiculturalism and helps groups hold events to celebrate their unique heritage and traditions both with their own communities and the broader Victorian community.

Victoria is proudly multicultural, with more than 200 languages spoken and almost every second person either born overseas or who has at least one parent who was born overseas.

More than $885,000 was invested through the first round of the program, which will support almost 500 events and festivals to be held up to December 2019.

They include the African Music and Cultural Festival at Federation Square, the Mexican Festival, the second-ever Halloumi Festival and the INTERKULTURA Regional Soccer Festival Tournament in Ballarat.

The Victorian Government has also invested a further $350,000 to fund 11 major multicultural events, fulfilling a pre-election commitment.

Applications will be assessed against program guidelines and an independent panel, including representatives from the Victorian Multicultural Commission, Creative Victoria and Visit Victoria.

Applications close on 6 September 2019.

Source: Vic Government