Lismore City Council will start roadworks in Eggins Lane to improve the laneway for local businesses, motorists and pedestrians on Wednesday, 10 February, weather permitting.
During construction, some parking along the eastern side of Keen Street will be temporarily turned into loading zones for local businesses affected by Eggins Lane road closures.
Any parking changes will be clearly sign-posted throughout the works and residents are asked to please follow traffic control measures throughout the project duration.
The roadworks involve reconstructing the entire length of Eggins Lane that runs parallel with Keen Street south from Larkin Lane. This will be done in two stages to limit the overall disruption to businesses and residents that use Eggins Lane for access and deliveries.
The first section that will undergo repairs is from the southern corner of Eggins Lane north to County Lane. This will take approximately six weeks. Once this is complete, Council will begin repairing the section from County Lane north to Larkin Lane, and this work will also take six weeks.
The project will fix long-standing drainage issues in Eggins Lane as well as improve the poor condition of the road surface. Work will include:
- removing old drainage infrastructure such as piping, inlet pits, kerb and gutter, and driveway gutter bridges,
- installing new underground roof-water connections, stormwater piping and inlet pits, and
- reconstructing the road surface and sealing.
This project is funded by the Federal Government and has been brought forward to ensure these essential roadworks are completed prior to the commencement of the Lismore Laneways Project in March 2021.
The Lismore Laneways Project includes beautification, art installations and amenity improvements such as new lighting and greenery for the inner-city laneways. Council decided to undertake the Eggins Lane roadworks prior to these improvements being implemented so that the entire precinct benefits from both projects and disruption to businesses is limited.
This project is proudly funded by the Australian Government through its Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.
Source: Lismore City Council