Easier access to event funding in the Territory

The Territory Government continues to build a sustainable events industry in the Territory helping to create new and develop existing events to engage the local community, attract visitors and showcase the Northern Territory.

NT Minister for Tourism, Sport and Culture, Lauren Moss, announced opening of the 2019/20 NT Major Events Company (NTMEC) Round 1 Event Funding Program which gives event and festival organisers the ability to apply for four different types of funding this financial year. In addition to event development funding, marketing funding and strategic development funding, the program now offers support for those delivering community festivals and events.

NTMEC have recently taken over additional community festivals and events from the Department of Tourism, Sport and Culture, making it easier for community event and festival organisers to access funding for events in the Territory.

The new process will create efficiencies in grant management and provide strategic links between community events, and major events planning.

The NTMEC Event Funding Program offers funding to events that contribute to the liveability of the Territory and promote our rich history and culture, to organisers of established events that showcase the Territory and provide economic outcomes by driving visitation and improving the profile of a region, one-off strategic development funding to build planning capabilities and to event organisers looking to target interstate audiences.

Round 1 is now open until 9 August and successful applicants will be notified by 27 September 2019 with Round 2 opening in February 2020.

Source: NT Government