Draft Ti Tree Water Allocation Plan

Draft Ti Tree Water Allocation Plan

The NT Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) invites public comment on the Draft Ti Tree Water Allocation Plan 2019-2029.

The previous Plan expired in 2014 and development of the new Plan commenced in December 2016.

The Ti Tree Water Advisory Committee has provided input towards the new draft Plan that includes an adaptive management framework for the allocation of water resources and the regulation of licensed water use.

DENR Water Planning and Engagement Director, Tim Bond, said the Ti Tree Water Control District has a population of about 2000 people with almost all water supplies drawn from groundwater.

The main economic activities in the region are pastoralism and irrigated horticulture, particularly table grapes and mangoes.

“The draft Plan applies to all surface water and groundwater within the Ti Tree Water Control District,” Mr Bond said.

“Its purpose is to ensure water resources are managed in a way that protects and maintains environmental and cultural values while allowing water to be sustainably used for beneficial use, such as industry, agriculture, rural stock and domestic and public water supply.

“The public has a great opportunity in having a say over the future direction and final form of the Plan.

“All submissions will be thoroughly considered and the results will be published in a consultation report to be provided to the Minister to review before declaration of a final plan is considered.”

The total estimated sustainable yield of the Ti Tree Aquifer is 15,840 megalitres per year, of which 10,140 megalitres is allocated for consumptive use.

A non-consumptive allocation of 5700 megalitres is made to the environment each year that comprises evapotranspiration and aquifer through-flow.

The public has until 20 May 2019 to provide feedback on the draft Plan which is available online.

Source: NT Government