Design tender award for Alice Springs CBD revitalisation

The Territory Government is creating local jobs with the award of the design tender for the first phase of the $15 million Alice Springs CBD Revitalisation project.

Local company GHD Ltd has been awarded a contract valued at $372 897 for the Design and Documentation of Shade Structures and Cooling Initiatives, Wayfinding Signage, Community Safe Spaces and Lighting Masterplan in Alice Springs.

The project will support approximately five jobs during the design phase and more than 70 local jobs during the construction phase.

Some of the Scope of Work includes:

  • Shade Structures and Cooling Initiatives: Design of shade structures placed strategically around the Alice Springs CBD to assist in developing preferred pathways for pedestrians. Shaded streets connecting with Todd Mall to provide comfort to pedestrians as they walk from cars, or shop to shop. Shade and cooling initiatives to be implemented for Gregory Terrace, which recorded some of the hottest temperatures in the CBD according to the heat mitigation study. Where possible shade structures will include solar panels and other ‘green’ initiatives.
  • Lighting Masterplan: Identify areas within the CBD that are dark or feel unsafe and make recommendations to illuminate these areas (e.g. Bath Street). Provide recommendations for improved lighting in the CBD, including infill lighting and creative initiatives for CBD activation. These include: lighting of feature trees, lights to illuminate walkways, fairy lights and other decorative lighting styles, ensure pedestrian walkways and linkages are well lit and provide clear direction in conjunction with wayfinding, identify areas in the CBD where development of safe zones may be created with additional lighting.
  • Safe Meeting Places: These places will be strategically located in areas with good natural surveillance and will include shading, seating, CCTV, and lighting. They will be designed in a way that does not cause entrapment and located near public amenities such as toilets and emergency phones. Signage will be developed to identify an area as a safe zone with CCTV. Safe zones will be pleasant places where people can sit outdoors during the day and be well-lit and visible at night.
  • Wayfinding: Build on recent work to improve wayfinding in Alice Springs with clear signage directing pedestrians to various locations around the CBD. Establish pedestrian linkages around key walking paths and ensure routes are covered by CCTV.

Design and documentation works will commence in July 2019 and is anticipated to be complete by November 2019, with construction expected to commence in early 2020.

The second phase of the Alice Springs CBD Revitalisation plan includes a Kwatja (Water) Play Space and a Car Parking Review.

The Territory Government is investing $20 million to reinvigorate and create a safer and more vibrant Alice Springs CBD for locals and visitors to enjoy. Through this investment, $15 million has been allocated for CBD revitalisation projects, and $5 million towards the Breaking the Cycle of Crime plan.

The initiatives were identified by the Inland Capital Committee, a joint Territory Government and Alice Springs Town Council initiative.

Source: NT Government