Infrastructure Victoria will provide advice to government on the infrastructure required to support changes to recycling and resource recovery in Victoria.
The Special Minister of State has made the request to Infrastructure Victoria as the state’s independent authority created to provide advice on infrastructure matters.
Infrastructure Victoria Chief Executive Officer Michel Masson said the advice request comes at a time of significant change for the waste industry in Victoria.
“Recent changes in the global market for recycled products mean there are flow-on impacts for how Victoria collects, sorts and exports waste,” Mr Masson said.
“With these changes come both challenges and opportunities, and we are pleased to be able to explore these as part of our advice to the government.”
The terms of reference provided by the government request advice on the infrastructure required to support the re-processing and use of recycled materials, the waste to energy sector and resource recovery from organic waste.
Infrastructure Victoria will undertake comprehensive engagement with the community and stakeholders to develop the advice.
“Hearing from industry, local government and the community will be essential,” Mr Masson said.
“We will build on the substantial amount of work that already exists or is being progressed to support Victoria’s waste management, and will ensure our advice takes account of community attitudes and expectations.
“Over the coming weeks we will provide further updates on our program to develop the advice and opportunities for people to get involved,” Mr Masson said.
Infrastructure Victoria will deliver the advice to government in April 2020. An interim report will be provided in October 2019.
Source: Infrastructure Victoria